Monday 10 June 2013

Electronics Project:Sound Analysis

Sound analysis with Matlab Implementation:

Speech processing is the study of speech signals and the processing methods of these signals. The signals are usually processed in a digital representation, so speech processing can be regarded as a special case of digital signal processing, applied to speech signal. An aspect of speech processing includes the acquisition, manipulation, storage, transfer and output of digital speech signals.

This project provides the analysis of a given sound sample.
The analysis includes:
1) Plotting of:
- the signal in the time domain;
- the signal in the frequency domain (using FFT);
- the spectrogram (using STFT);
- the distribution of the instantaneous value of the signal (using normfit).
2) Displaying of:
- the standard deviation of the signal (sigma);
- the mean value (mu);
- the crest-factor Q;
- the dynamic range D.

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